Duties and Taxes: Import duties, taxes, and brokerage fees are not included in the product price or shipping and handling cost and it will be collected upon delivery from the carriers for certain packages. These charges are recipient’s responsibility as we are only charging the transportation fee for the packages. You may check with your country;s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be. Additionally, you may review below additional information for shipments shipping to Canada which can imply to other countries as well.


Additional Information: Below are some additional information regarding international shipments going to Canada you may reference as well as refer to sites such as www.thefinalcost.com in order to get an estimate on these import costs.

Fees for Canada orders.

Brokerage Fees

The brokerage fees are a processing fee charged by the shipping company. This fee includes filling in a customs form to indicate the contents and value of the shipment and calculating duty and taxes.


When UPS Customs Brokerage handles your imports, there is no Entry Preparation Fee for routine customs clearance of UPS Worldwide Express Plus, UPS Worldwide Express, UPS Worldwide Express Saver, and UPS Worldwide Expedited shipments, including up to five classification lines. Charges may apply for more complex customs clearance procedures.

(Source: http://www.ups.com/content/ca/en/shipping/cost/zones/customs_clearance.html)


Each item entering Canada will be charged GST (General Sales Tax) and PST (Provincial Sales Tax – varies by province) based on the declared value.

*Razorback Offroad will not declare any false indication on the customs to avoid or reduce these fees.